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Healthcare and Insurance

The healthcare system in Poland - as it is in all of the EU - is based on equal treatment and equal access to medical services for all. The main state body responsible for the management of public funds for healthcare, and the pillar of the entire health insurance system, is the National Health Fund, or otherwise known as Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia, NFZ.

As by the law foreign students have an option of either insuring themselves via NFZ or staying on the territory of Poland based on their international private insurance (usually received when applying for a National Visa type D).

Remember, in Poland having health insurance is obligatory. When applying for a visa to Poland and later on legalising your stay in Poland, you always need to present an insurance coverage document.

No matter which insurance you have, in order to be able to visit a doctor you must first be registered in a clinic - whether it supports NFZ or not. 

In order to register in your clinic of choice you will have to provide your passport and your student ID card. They might also ask you to provide your PESEL number however if you do not have it issued you can present your international passport number instead. 

  • Insurance Provided by NFZ

    Foreign students can be insured with the National Insurance on the basis of their WSBU Student Status. 

    For that students are requested to obtain the following documents:

    • 2 application forms for National Health Fund health insurance (you can find it in the attachment section below);
    • a student confirmation certificate from your respected Dean's office;
    • Copy of your passport and your student ID.
    • A document confirming that you are resident in Poland (e.g. dorm certificate, residence card, rental agreement, etc.).

    Afterwards, please visit the main office of NFZ.

    The office situated in Katowice - ul. Kossutha 13, 40-844 Katowice
    In Krakow - Wadowicka 8W, 30-415 Kraków

    All NFZ offices have officials who speak in English hence students should not have any trouble in communication and in registration.
    In the office students will have to submit the presented form together with other documents, afterwards, the following steps will be provided by the workers. It is recomended that students follow those to finish the whole process in a timely manner.

    Please note that as a foreigner you do not need to have a PESEL number to apply for the National Insurance however it is recommended you have it nonetheless as it will make your stay in Poland easier. 

    Please be aware that it takes between 2 to 3 weeks for the application process to be finalised!

  • Private Insurance

    Private insurance is allowed on the territory of the EU as long as it covers the main segments required by the EU law.
    All students can find out more about the necessary segments from the Polish Embassy in their home country, since different states have different agreements and regulations between each other. 

    Limitations of private insurance are set by the policy you will select. In a cheap option the insured will have access only to basic services, such as visit at general practitioner and some specialist doctors. On the other hand, if you decide on more expensive services, they will most probably include more advanced options, such as hospitalisation, operations, giving birth and others.

    However, students should be aware of the 'delays' which means that patients have access to certain services only after a certain period of paying the insurance contribution (e.g. 60 days) and that many doctors and practitioners are not covered by the regular private insurances. Additionally, numerous private insurance firms refund the visits after the said visit happens, meaning, the insured have to be ready to pay from their own funds first.