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Strategic vision and mission

Strategy idea

Human and his development at the center of our activities. We create a multidimensional space for development.


The mission of the University

We create a community focused on development. There is a human at the center of our activities, for whom we want to provide unlimited space to achieve their own goals and ambitions. We are visionaries. As an open and innovative university, we are passionate about the challenges of the future. We generate useful knowledge, create trends and educate specialists who are able to meet these challenges.


Strategic vision 2025

WSB University is an open and innovative University, which is passionate about people, their development and challenges of the future.


Prospective vision 2030

An international university that is a leader in Poland in generating useful knowledge, creating trends and educating specialists in areas resulting from the challenges of the future.


Strategic directions of development:

  • International University;
  • Leader of Socio-Economic Development;
  • Participatory University;
  • 'LifeLong University';
  • Digital University.