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WSB University and Kotrak are in the process of validating their mobile aplication, which will help drivers manage their route in terms of charging stations and battery consumption. The app will help drivers better manage their trip, as well as tell them when and where they need to pull over to charge their car so they can reach their destination as efficiently as possible.

"Marzena Graboń-Chałupczak, PhD.: I think this will encourage potential customers, but only when they, themselves, are already somewhat positive about it. For customers with a strong interest in the elctric world, the basic problem at the moment is insufficient infrastructure. One answer could be a project carried out in cooperation between the WSB University and Kotrak S.A. to develop an application that adjusts the driving route from A to B, taking into account the individual driving style of the driver. Admittedly, this will not increase the number of stations and charging points, but it could have a significant impact on journey times, which depend on the occupancy of chargers along the route. We must also remember that it is difficult to talk about zero-emission. Of course, the end user of an electric car, ideologically, may think so, but electricity in Poland is overwhelmingly coal power, which contradicts the idea of zero emission."

The manager of this project at the WSB University is Professor Katarzyna Chruzik.

Full article can be read here:
