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  • Higher Education Institutions and Digital Transformation. Building University-Enterprise Collaborative Relationships

    by Marcin Lis


    The growing complexity, fluidity and instability of the environment as well as changing needs are challenges that both enterprises and higher education institutions must face. Higher education institutions understand that their key product, i.e. knowledge, is a value that can and should be offered to enterprises in a desirable form as a key to innovation and development as well as the basis of the necessary internal transformation to respond to requirements of our times. Attempts to explain the process of collaboration between higher education institutions and businesses based on an institutional perspective fail to capture the complexity of this process. The purpose of this book is to develop a model approach to managerial competencies that affect the innovativeness of enterprises and to identify internal and external key factors strengthening or limiting the impact of managerial competencies on the innovativeness of an enterprise including organizational structure, strategy, organizational culture and more. It will be of value to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation, management, strategy, and will be particularly useful to organizations that are aware of their operating conditions in the knowledge-based economy and of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemics on the acceleration of the digital transformation of the contemporary world.

    Table of Contents:

    1. A Higher Education Institution as an Actor in Knowledge-based Economy Development Processes

    2. Building Relations Between Higher Education Institutions and Enterprises – Literature Review

    3. Digital Transformation as Space to Establish and Reinforce Relations Between Universities and Businesses

    4. Digital Technologies in the Process of University-enterprise Relations Formation - Research Results

    5. New Approach to Developing University and Business Relationships – Modelling


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    Publikacja została dofinansowana ze środków budżetu państwa w ramach programu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki pod nazwą „Doskonała nauka” – moduł: wsparcie monografii naukowych.

  • Leadership and Narcissism in the Organization

    by Mateusz Grzesiak


    Narcissists are seen as people who could inspire others due to their strong charisma, great vision, and ability to convince the crowd that they possess features that others don’t. They have followers and fans, and the ability to control them. On the other hand, narcissistic leaders express a lack of empathy and high levels of aggression and show constant criticism of others while refusing feedback on their performance. Those features indicate that such leaders have a strong sense of entitlement of superiority; therefore, it is hard to work with them. In the corporate world, many individuals with narcissistic personalities are chosen as leaders of organizations or teams, which often harms their co-workers and subordinates. Very few lower-level employees have a positive perception of their narcissistic leaders or are satisfied with their job, and so there is need to measure through qualitative research based on already existing articles in a given subject the correlation between the perception of narcissistic leader and the leader evaluation method.

    This book gives insight into psychology and management by linking the narcissistic personality with the leadership role and with the method of evaluating a leader, along with discussing the positive or negative outcomes of their leadership. Readers will learn about the phenomenon of narcissistic individuals and leaders as well as the attributes and traits of such a person. This research monograph will be of interest to researchers, academics, and advanced students in the fields of work and organizational psychology and leadership studies.

    Table of Contents:

    1. Narcissism and Leadership: An Overview
    2. Narcissisms in Leadership - It Essence and Classification: A Literature Review
    3. The Narcissistic Leader: Perception, Evaluation and Research Methodology 
    4. Narcissistic Leaders within Organizations: Employee Evaluation versus Perception
    5. Narcissistic Leadership and the Impact on the Leader-Follower Relationship

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  • Reputation Management and Family Business

    by Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz


    Corporate reputation is important in gaining long-term competitive advantage and building company value. Thus, the author points out the need to manage reputation, which, due to its complex nature and multidimensional character, is a serious and difficult challenge.

    The author develops a strategic model for family business reputation management. The book presents the review, systematization and synthesis of views on the notion of reputation and its role in building company value, the determinants of reputation; the identification of the characteristics and distinguishing factors of family businesses, areas of reputation building and resources involved in family business reputation building processes; and the description of determinants, components and processes in the field of corporate reputation management, and the identification of key links between them. It also identifies the key elements of the concept of family business reputation management and the relationship between them and practical recommendations for the use of reputation management concepts in improving the functioning of family businesses.

    The developed model can undoubtedly be seen as a pioneering contribution to research into the competitiveness of enterprises. The book will therefore be useful to researchers, students and managers who are interested in decision-making in family businesses, entrepreneurship and small business management, and leadership studies.

    Table of contents:

    1. Reputation – importance to the modern organization 2. Areas which determine the reputation of family businesses 3. The concept of family business reputation management 4. Family business reputation management 5. Evaluation, conclusions and recommendations for family business reputation management

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  • Management Theory, Innovation, and Organisation A Model of Managerial Competencies

    by Katarzyna Szczepańska-Woszczyna


    Competencies are a component of human capital and one of the most important assets of an enterprise. They play an important role in strengthening the position of the company in a competitive market. Investing in the development of competencies increases the organisation's ability to grow and compete through innovations. This book presents a multi-dimensional analysis of the relationship between managerial competencies and innovations. It analyses the role of a manager in a modern organisation, functions performed by managers, management styles and key challenges, including shaping behaviour in the process of managing change in an organisation, as well as an analysis of the structure of competencies, in particular managerial competencies, and the conditions of the process of forming managerial competencies.

    Management Theory, Innovation and Organisation: A Model of Managerial Competencies illustrates the organisational conditions of innovativeness, which is the relationship between strategy, structure, organisational culture and leadership and knowledge management and innovation management. The developed model can undoubtedly be considered the author’s pioneering contribution to the studies of managerial competencies and innovativeness.

    The book will be valuable to researchers, students, and managers in the fields of leadership, organizational studies, innovation management, and human resource management.

    Table of Contents:

    1. The manager in a traditional and modern organisation. 2. Managerial competencies as a subject of research. 3. Innovation and innovativeness. Determinants of the innovativeness of an organisation. 4. Managerial competencies and their impact on the innovativeness of an enterprise.

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  • Perspectives on Consumer Behaviour. Theoretical Aspects and Practical Applications

    Publikacja zawiera analizę kluczowych czynników związanych z zachowaniami konsumentów, zarówno od strony teoretycznej, jak i praktycznej. Autorzy w dużej mierze koncentrują się na konsumencie XXI wieku – wykształconym i świadomym, ale też niecierpliwym, nielojalnym i kapryśnym. Monografia podzielona jest na trzy główne części: w pierwszej omówiono teoretyczne i prawne aspekty zachowań konsumentów, przeanalizowano rolę rządu w regulowaniu zachowań konsumentów oraz rolę Unii Europejskiej; w drugiej części przedstawiono strategie organizacyjne, takie jak wielokanałowa sprzedaż detaliczna i branding produktu; w trzeciej części opisano zachowania konsumentów w kontekście poszczególnych produktów i usług, od kawy po energię.
