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WSB University CEEMAN IQA accredited institution

The WSB University awarded with the international accreditation for the quality of education – CEEMAN IQA Accreditation

On December 18, the WSB University was awarded with the international CEEMAN IQA Accreditation. It is one of the most prestigious and valued accreditations in the field of managerial education.

The accreditation was granted to the University for 6 years by CEEMAN – International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies.

The CEEMAN Association, to which the WSB University has been affiliated since 2015, sets international quality standards in education, supports development processes, innovation and creativity, as well as the principles of corporate social responsibility.

Obtaining accreditation confirms that the WSB University meets high organizational standards and conducts high-quality education and research.

In a congratulatory letter from prof. Danica Purg, President of CEEMAN – handed over to Assoc. Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, PhD,  Rector of WSB University – we read:

„With a clear and far-reaching vision you have developed a noble mission of preparing professional, confident and ethical leaders, capable of competing successfully in the international marketplace. In such a way, you really play a pioneer role in introducing and spreading out the idea of excellent, relevant and sustainable management education in Poland.”