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Digital transformation at the 20th Science Festival

The fourth day of the Festival highlighted the importance of adapting to the rapidly changing world of technology.

The day began with a presentation by Marcin Hanasiewicz, who presented the basics of cybersecurity using the Microsoft Azure platform, emphasizing the importance of managing data security and electronic communications. Joanna Suchogórska discussed the software development cycle, highlighting key aspects of effective project management in the rapidly growing IT market. Łukasz Kusnierczyk M.Sc., eng. addressed the impact of modern technology and artificial intelligence on professional and everyday life, highlighting the emerging opportunities and challenges of digital transformation. Marcin Miszczyk, M.D., presented the use of modern technologies in radiotherapy and interventional pain management, showing how innovations can improve the quality of life of patients in palliative care. Krzysztof Popławski addressed the future of computer graphics from the perspective of using AI, highlighting new opportunities as well as limitations and challenges facing graphics developers. Ádám Marjai led a workshop on design thinking as a method to support sustainable digital transformation, emphasizing the importance of focusing on human needs in the design process of digital products. Jerzy Gąsiorowski, PhD., presented the present and future of forensic science in the context of fighting crime, and gave participants the opportunity to work hands-on with forensic equipment.

The fourth day of the Festival highlighted the importance of adapting to the rapidly changing world of technology, while emphasizing the need to balance progress with security and ethics. Speakers highlighted the wide range of opportunities offered by modern technologies and encouraged us to think about how they can be used to improve the quality of life and work.